Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Matt Watson - Ouch! (2020) (A)


Before I start this review, I do know who Matt Watson was before I had listened to this album. That did not affect my opinion on the album.

'Ouch!' was not something I was excited for or hyped for before hand. This is the first album i've reviewed where I haven't listened to the album 100s of times over the course of many years and am finally putting my opinions on virtual paper, no - the first time I listened to this album was last week, and I loved it.

I initially found 'Come Over' on Spotify when it suggested I should add it to a playlist. I saw the name of the artist and thought i'd give it a listen, and I am still obsessed with the song. After loving the track, I thought i'd listen to the whole album and im so glad I did. The album is a phenomenal collection of Pop music.

My favourite tracks being the aforementioned Come Over, Margie, and the obscure, Radiohead-esque Sleep Tight. Jello doesnt have enough substance to it I feel, and Nokia feels too bland compared to the other tracks, and Feel This Way doesn't strike me in the way that the other tracks do. But the tracks that do hit, hit hard. The melodies and lyrics are catchy, and the songs have enough miniscule changes to them to keep you listening to the track at hand.

Now as I mentioned, the album feels like a collection, which to some people may seem obvious, but what I mean by it is the album doesn't really go anywhere with its melodies. Im not saying the melodies are bad, far from it, but the album doesnt take any turns aside from Sleep Tight. It feels like a collection of similar sounding singles.

I wont talk harshly about the length of the album, as this is Watson's first outing into a full-sized music project as opposed to a single or comedic-sketch-song, so I will cut him some slack there.


No Fun Haus - Falling Down (2021) (S)

  I haven't listened to a whole lot of NFH, but this new release definitely captured my attention. Falling Down experiments with brass, ...